【Computer Vision】Notes


  • 1959 Hubel& Wiesel

  • 1963 Roberts

  • 1970s David Marr

  • 1979 Gen.Cylinders

  • 1986 Canny

  • 1997 Norm.Cuts

  • 199 SIFT

  • 2001 V&J

    one of the first successful applications of machine learning to vision

  • 2001 PASCAL

  • 2009 ImageNet

    Olympics of computer vision

  • 2012 AlexNet

    deep learning

Another viewPoint

  • 1958 perceptron

  • 1969 Minsky & Papert

    showed that perceptrons could not learn the XOR function caused a lot of sidillusionment in the field

  • 1980 Neocognition: Fukushima

    Computational model the visual system, directly inspired by Hubel and Wiesel’s hierarchy of complex and simple cells

    interleaved simple cells(convolution) and complex cells(pooling)

    no practical training algorithm

  • Backprop: Rumelhart, Hinton, and williams, 1986

    introduced backpropagation for computing gradients in neural networks

    successfully trained perceptrons with multiple layers

  • Convolutional Networks:LeCun et al, 1998

  • deep learning 2006

    people tried to train neural networks that were deeper and deeper

    not a mainstream research topic at this time


  • Algorithms
  • Data
  • Computation


  • CIFAR10
  • CIFAR100
  • ImageNet
  • Places365


  • train: train the model
  • validation :choose hypterparameter
  • test: check out performance on new data


split data into folds,try each fold as validation and average the results

K-Nearest Neighbor

  • very slow at test time
  • distance metrics on pixels are not infomative

Linear Classifier

Three Viewpoints

  • Algebraic Viewpoint


  • Visual Viewpoint

    One template per class

  • Geometric Viewpoint

    Hyperplanes cutting up space

Loss Function

a loss function tells how good our current classifier is

Also called: object function, cost function

Negative loss function sometimes called reward function, profit function, utility function, fitness function, etc

Given a dataset $$ {(x_i,y_i)}^N_{i=1} $$ where $x_i$ is image and $y_i$ is (integer) label

Loss function for it may be $$ L_i(f(x_i,W),y_i) $$ Loss for the dataset is average of per-example losses: $$ L=\frac{1}{N}\sum_iL_i(f(x_i,W),y_i) $$


Let $s=f(x_i,W)$ be scores

Then the SVM loss has the form: $$ L_i=\sum_{j\neq y_i}max(0,s_j-s_{y_i}+margin) $$

Cross-Entropy(Multinomial Logistic Regression)

interpret raw classifier scores as probabilities $$ s=f(x_i;W) $$ softmax $$ P(Y=k \lvert X=x_i)=\frac{e^{s_k}}{\sum_je^{ s_j}} $$ then $$ L_i=-logP(Y=y_i|X=x_i) $$


prevent the model from doing too well on training data $$ L(W)=L=\frac{1}{N}\sum_iL_i(f(x_i,W),y_i)+\lambda R(W) $$ where $\lambda$ is the regularization strength

  • L2 Regularization


  • L1 Regularization

    $R(W)=\sum_k\sum_l\lvert W_{k,l}\lvert$

  • Elastic net(L1+L2)

    $R(W)=\sum_k\sum_l\beta W^2_{k,l}+\lvert W_{k,l}\lvert$


  • express preferences in among models beyond “minimize training error”
  • avoid overfitting: prefer simple models that generalize better
  • improve optimization by adding curvature


$$ w^*=arg,min_wL(w) $$


stochastic gradient descent $$ x_{t+1}=x_{t}-\alpha \nabla f(x_t) $$


$$ v_{t+1}=\rho v_{t}-\alpha \nabla f(x_t) \newline x_{t+1}=x_t+ v_{t+1} $$

add velocity

Nesterov Momentum

look ahead $$ v_{t+1}=\rho v_t-\alpha\nabla f(x_t+\rho v_{t}) \newline x_{t+1}=x_t+v_{t+1} $$ let $\tilde{x_t}=x_t+\rho v_t$ $$ v_{t+1}=\rho v_t-\alpha \nabla f(\tilde{x_t}) \newline \tilde{x_{t+1}}=\tilde{x_t}+v_{t+1}+\rho(v_{t+1}-v_t) $$


$$ S_{t+1}=S_{t}+\nabla f(x_t)^2 \newline x_{t+1}=x_t-\alpha \frac{\nabla f(x_t)}{\sqrt{S_{t}}+1e-7} $$

might stop before converge


“Leak Adagrad” $$ S_{t+1}=\rho S_{t}+(1-\rho)\nabla f(x_t)^2 \newline x_{t+1}=x_t-\alpha \frac{\nabla f(x_t)}{\sqrt{S_{t}}+1e-7} $$


RMSProp+Momentum $$ v_{t+1}=\rho v_{t}+\nabla f(x_t) \newline s_{t+1}=\beta s_{t}+(1-\beta)\nabla f(x_t)^2 \newline v^{’}{t+1}=\frac{v{t+1}}{1-\rho ^t} \newline s^{’}{t+1}=\frac{s{t+1}}{1-\beta ^t} \newline x_{t+1}=x_t-\alpha \frac{v^{’}{t+1}}{\sqrt{s^{’}{t+1}}+1e-7} $$

Neural Network

Activation Functions

  • Sigmoid


  • tanh


  • ReLU


  • Leaky ReLU


  • Maxout


  • ELU

    $\left{ \begin{array}{lc} x & x \geqslant 0 \ \alpha(e^x-1)&x<0\ \end{array} \right.$

Back propagation

$$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial y}=\frac{\partial g}{\partial y}\frac{\partial L}{\partial g} $$


$\frac{\partial y}{\partial f}$ is the downstream gradient

$\frac{\partial y}{\partial g}$ is the local gradient

$\frac{\partial g}{\partial f}$ is the upstream gradient

Convolutional Networks

Convolutional Layer


  • Input W
  • Filter: K
  • Output: W-K+1

add Padding

  • Padding: P
  • Output: W-K+1+2P

same padding: Input equals Output

Receptive Fields

each successive convolution adds K-1 to the receptive field size

With L layers the receptive field size is 1+L*(K-1)

to expand receptive fields

  • stride: S
  • output: (W-K+2P)/S+1


  • Input: $C_{in}\times H \times W$

  • Hyperparameters:

    • Kernel size: $K_H \times K_W$
    • Number of filters: $C_{out}$
    • Padding: $P$
    • stride: $S$
  • Weight matrix: $C_{out} \times C_{in} \times K_H \times K_W$

    Bias Vector: $C_{out}$

  • Ouput: $C_{out} \times H^{’}\times W^{’}$




common settings:

  • $K_H = K_W$
  • same padding
  • $C_{out} ,C_{in} =32,64,128,256$

Pooling Layer

to introduces invariance to small spatial shifts


  • kernel size
  • stride
  • pooling function

Batch Normalization

normalize the outputs of a layer so they have zero mean and unit variance

It helps reduce “internal covariate shift”, improves optimization $$ \hat{x}^{(k)}=\frac{x^{(k)}-E[x^{(k)}]}{\sqrt{Var[x^{(k)}]}} $$ Input: $N\times D$ when in fully connected layers. convolutional layers are the same

  • $\mu_j=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^Nx_{i,j}$

    Per-channel mean, shape is $1\times D$

    average of values seen during training while testing

  • $\sigma_j^2=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N(x_{i,j}-\mu_j)^2$

    per-channel std, shape is $1\times D$

    average of values seen during training while testing

  • $\hat{x}{i,j}=\frac{x{i,j}-\mu_j}{\sqrt{\sigma_j^2+\epsilon}}$

    normalized $x$, shape is $N\times D$

  • $y_{i,j}=\gamma_j\hat{x}_{i,j}+\beta_j$

    output $y$, shape is $N\times D$

    $\gamma$ and $\beta$ is learnable scale and shift parameter of shape $1\times D$

Layer Normalization

for fully connected layers

avoid different behavior between training and testing

the $\mu$ and $\sigma$ become shape of $N\times 1$

Instance Normalization

for convolutional layers

the $\mu$ and $\sigma$ become shape of $N\times C\times 1\times 1$ rather than shape of $1\times C\times 1\times 1$ in batch normalization

the $\gamma$ and $\beta$ remain as shape of $1\times C\times 1\times 1$

Residual Networks

deep networks hard to train

a residual network is a stack of many residual blocks


Programming GPUs

  • CUDA(NVIDIA only)

  • OpenCL

    similar to CUDA, but runs on anything

    usually slower on NVIDIA hardware


Three levels of abstraction

  • Tensor

    like a numpy array, but can run on GPU

  • Autograd

    Package for building computational graphs out of Tensors, and automatically computing gradients

  • Module

    A neural network layer; may store state or learnable weights

Training Neural Networks

Activation Function


  • ‘kill’ the gradient when saturated
  • outputs are not zero-centered
  • exp() is a bit compute expensive


  • zero centered
  • ‘kill’ the gradient when saturated


  • Does not saturate(in position region)
  • very computationally efficient
  • converges much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice
  • not zero-centered output
  • will never activate ‘dead ReLU’

Leaky ReLU

  • Does not saturate(in position region)
  • very computationally efficient
  • converges much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice
  • not zero-centered output
  • will not ‘die’

Parametric Rectifier(PReLU)

$$ f(x)=max*\alpha x,x $$

Exponential Linear Unit(ELU)

$$ \left{ \begin{array}{lc} x & x \geqslant 0 \ \alpha(e^x-1)&x<0\ \end{array} \right. $$

  • all benefits of ReLU
  • closer ti zero mean outputs
  • negative saturation regime compared with Leaky ReLU adds some robustness to noise

Scaled Exponential Linear Unit(SELU)

$$ \left{ \begin{array}{lc} \lambda x & x \geqslant 0 \ \lambda\alpha(e^x-1)&x<0\ \end{array} \right. $$


  • don’t think too much. Just use ReLU
  • Try out Leaky ReLU/ELU/SELU/GELU if you need to squeeze that last 0.1%
  • Don’t use sigmoid or tanh

Data Preprocessing

  • normalization
  • PCA
  • whitening

Weight Initialization

  • small random numbers

  • Xavier initialization

  • Kaiming/MSRA initialization



  • L2
  • L1
  • Elastic net
  • dropout
  • data augmentation
    • random crops and scales
    • translation
    • rotation
    • stretching
    • shearing
    • lens distortion
  • fractional pooling
  • stochastic depth
  • cutout
  • mixup

Learning rate schedule


  • cosine

$$ \alpha_t=\frac{1}{2}\alpha_0(1+cos(\frac{t\pi}{T})) $$

  • linear

$$ \alpha_t=\alpha_0(1-\frac{t}{T}) $$

  • inverse sqrt $$ \alpha_t=\frac{\alpha_0}{\sqrt{t}} $$

early stopping

stop training the model when accuracy on the validation set decreases or train for a long time, but always keep track of the model snapshot that worked best on val.

choosing hyperparameters

random search is better than grid search


  • check initial loss
  • overfit a small sample
  • find LR that makes loss go down
  • coarse gird, train for 1-5 epochs
  • refine grid,train longer
  • look at loss curves

Model Ensembles

  • use multiple independent models
  • use multiple snapshots of a single model during training

Transfer Learning

  • train on imagenet
  • use cnn as a feature extractor
  • bigger dataset: Fine-Tuning

Recurrent Networks

$$ h_t=f_W(h_{t-1},x_t) $$


$$ h_t=tanh(W_{hh}h_{t-1}+W_{xh}x_t) \newline y_t=W_{hy}h_t $$

  • Exploding gradients

    gradient clipping:scale gradient if its norm is too big

  • vanishing gradients

    change RNN architecture

Truncated Backpropagation Through Time

carry hidden states forward in time forever, but only backpropagate for some smaller number of steps


compute four gates at each timestep $$ \begin{pmatrix} i\ f\ o\ g\ \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} \sigma\ \sigma\ \sigma\ tanh\ \end{pmatrix}W \begin{pmatrix} h_{t-1}\ x_t\ \end{pmatrix} $$

  • i

    input gate, whether to write cell

  • f

    forget gate, whether to erase cell

  • o

    output gate, how much to reveal cell

  • g

    gate gate, how much to write to cell

$$ c_t=f\bigodot c_{t-1}+i\bigodot g \newline h_t=o\bigodot tanh(c_t) $$

where $c_t$ is the cell state and $h_t$ is the hidden state


  • RNN $$ h_t^l=tanhW^l\begin{pmatrix}h_t^{l-1}\h_{t-1}^l\end{pmatrix} $$ where $h\in R^n$ and $W^l [n\times 2n]$

  • LSTM $$ \begin{pmatrix} i\ f\ o\ g\ \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} sigm\ sigm\ sigm\ tanh\ \end{pmatrix}W^l \begin{pmatrix} h_{t}^{l-1}\ h_{t-1}^l\ \end{pmatrix} \newline $$

    $$ c_t^l=f\bigodot c^l_{t-1}+i\bigodot g \newline h_t^l=o\bigodot tanh(c_t^l) $$



above $\sum_ia_{t,i}$ should be 1

use a different context vector in each timestep of decoder


Attention Layer


  • query vector: $q$ (shape: $D_Q$)

  • input vectors: $X$ (shape:$N_X \times D_X$)

  • similarity function: $f_{att}$

    usually scaled dot product

    the reason is

    large similarities will cause softmax to saturate and give vanishing gradients


  • similarities: $e$ (shape $N_X$)


    usually $e_i=q\cdot X_i/sqrt(D_Q)$

  • attention weights: $a=softmax(e)$ (shape $N_X$)

  • output vector: $y=\sum_ia_iX_i$ (shape $D_X$)

multiple query

multiply query vectors


  • query vector: $Q$ (shape: $N_Q\times D_X$)
  • input vectors: $X$ (shape:$N_X \times D_Q$)


  • similarities: $E=QX^T$ (shape $N_Q\times N_X$)

    $E_{i,j}=Q_i\cdot X_j/sqrt(D_Q)$

  • attention weights: $a=softmax(E,dim=1)$ (shape $N_Q\times N_X$)

  • output vector: $Y=AX$ (shape $N_Q\times D_X$)


seperate key and value


  • query vector: $Q$ (shape: $N_Q\times D_Q$)
  • input vectors: $X$ (shape:$N_X \times D_X$)
  • key matrix: $W_K$ (shape:$D_X \times D_Q$)
  • value matrix: $W_V$ (shape:$D_X \times D_V$)


  • key vectors: $K=XW_K$ (shape $N_X\times D_Q$)

  • value vectors: $V=XW_V$ (shape $N_X\times D_V$)

  • similarities: $E=QK^T$ (shape $N_Q\times N_X$)

    $E_{i,j}=Q_i\cdot K_j/sqrt(D_Q)$

  • attention weights: $a=softmax(E,dim=1)$ (shape $N_Q\times N_X$)

  • output vector: $Y=AV$ (shape $N_Q\times D_V$)


Self-Attention Layer

one query per input vector


  • input vectors: $X$ (shape:$N_X \times D_X$)
  • key matrix: $W_K$ (shape:$D_X \times D_Q$)
  • value matrix: $W_V$ (shape:$D_X \times D_V$)
  • query matrix: $W_Q$ (shape:$D_X\times D_Q$)


  • query vectors:$Q=XW_Q$

  • key vectors: $K=XW_K$ (shape $N_X\times D_Q$)

  • value vectors: $V=XW_V$ (shape $N_X\times D_V$)

  • similarities: $E=QK^T$ (shape $N_Q\times N_X$)

    $E_{i,j}=Q_i\cdot K_j/sqrt(D_Q)$

  • attention weights: $a=softmax(E,dim=1)$ (shape $N_Q\times N_X$)

  • output vector: $Y=AV$ (shape $N_Q\times D_V$)



masked self-attention layer

don’t let vectors “look ahead” in the sqeuence

used for language modeling (predict next word)


Multihead self-attention layer

use $H$ independent “attention heads” in parallel


CNN with self-attention


processing sequences


transformer block



a Transformer is a sequence of transformer blocks

can be used for transfer learning

  • pretraining

    download a lot of text from the internet

    train a giant transformer model for language modeling

  • finetuning

    fine-tune the transformer on your own NLP task

Object Detection

  • Input:

    Single RGB Image

  • Output:

    A set of detected objects, for each object predict:

    • Category label (from fixed,known set of categories)
    • Bounding box (four numbers: x,y,width,height)
  • challenges

    • multiple outputs
    • multiple types of output
    • large images
  • method

    • sliding window : too many boxes
    • region proposals:
      • find a small set of boxes that are likely to cover all objects
      • often based on heuristics
      • relatively fast to run

Intersection over Union (IoU)

$$ \frac{area;of;Intersection}{Area;of;Union} $$

Overlapping Boxes: Non-Max Suppression (NMS)

  • problem: Object detectors often output many overlapping detections
  • solution: post-process raw detections using NMS
    1. select next highest-scoring box
    2. eliminate lower-scoring boxes with $IoU\gt threshold$
    3. if any boxes remain. goto 1.

Evaluating: Mean Average Precision (mAP)

  • run object detector on all test images
  • for each category, compute average precision(AP)=area under Precision vs Recall Curve
    • for each detection( highest score to lowest score)
      • if it matches some GT box with $IoU\gt 0.5$, mark it as positive and eliminate the GT
      • otherwise mark it as negetive
      • Plot a point on PR curve
    • average precision(AP)= area under PR curve
  • mean average precision(mAP)=average of AP for each category
  • for ‘COCO mAP’: compute mAP@thresh for each IoU threshold and take average

“slow” R-CNN

Region-Based CNN

  • run region proposal method to compute ~2000 region proposals
  • resize each region to fixed size and run independently through CNN to predict class scores and bbox transform
  • use scores to select a subset of region proposals to output
  • compare with ground-truth boxes

Fast R-CNN


Faster R-CNN: learnable Region Proposals

insert RPN to predict proposals from features

otherwise same as Fast R-CNN

jointly train with 4 losses:

  • RPN classification
  • RPN regression
  • Object classification
  • Object regression

Semantic Segmentation

Label each pixel in the image with a category label

Don’t differentiate instances, only care about pixels



  • bed of nails
  • nearest neighbor
  • bilinear interpolation
  • bicubic interpolation
  • max unpooling
  • learnable upsampling: Transposed Convolution

Instance Segmentation

  • things: object categories that can be separated into object instance
  • stuff: object categories that cannot be separated into instances

Mask R-CNN

Panoptic Segmentation

Label all pixels in the image (both things and stuff)

for “thing” categories also separate into ins

3D Vision

two problems

  • predicting 3D shapes from single image
  • Processing 3D input data

more topics

  • Computing correspondences
  • multi-view stereo
  • structure from motion
  • simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
  • Self-supervised learning
  • View Synthesis
  • Differentiable graphics
  • 3D Sensors

Many non-Deep Learning methods alive and well in 3D

3D Shape Representations

  • Depth Map

    Problem: Scale/Depth Ambiguity

    Scale invariant loss

  • Voxel Grid

    for each pixel, surface normals give a vector giving the normal vector to the object in the world for that pixel

    • 3D convolution
    • Voxel Tubes

    Problem: Memory Usage

  • Implicit Surface

    learn a function to classify arbitrary 3D points as inside/outside the shape


    The surface of the 3D object is the level set ${x:o(x)=\frac{1}{2}}$

  • PointCloud

    represent shape as a set of P points in 3D space

    • can represent fine structures without huge numbers of points
    • requires new architectures, losses, etc
    • doesn’t explicitly represent the surface of the shape: extracting a mesh for rendering or other applications requires post-processing
  • Mesh

    represent a 3D shape as a set of triangles

    Vertices: Set of V points in 3D space

    Faces: Set triangles over the vertices

Graph Convolution

$$ f^{’}i=W_0f_i+\sum{j\in N(i)}W_1f_j $$


  • Voxel IoU

  • Chamfer Distance

  • F1 Score $$ F1@t=2*\frac{Precision@t*Recall@t}{Precision@t+Reca} $$

Generative Model

  • Discriminative model
    • learn a probability distribution p(y|x)
    • used to:
      • assign labels to data
      • feature learning (with labels)
  • Generative Model
    • distribution p(x)
    • used to:
      • detect outliers
      • feature learning (without label)
      • sample to generate new data
  • Conditional Generative Model
    • learn p(x|y)
    • used to:
      • assign labels, while rejecting outliers. generate new data conditioned on input labels



  • explicit density

    model can compute $p(x)$

    • Tractable density






    • Approximate density

      • Variational

        Variational Autoencoder

      • Markov Chain

        Boltzmann Machine

  • implicit density

    does not explicitly compute $p(x)$, but can sample from $p(x)$

    • Markov Chain


    • Direct

      Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)


  • Goal: write down an explicit function for $p(x)=f(x,W)$

  • Given dataset $x^{(1)},x^{(2)}…x^{(N)}$, train the model by solving $$ W^{*}=arg,max_W\Pi_ip(x^{i}) $$ log trick to exchange product for sum $$ arg,max_W\sum_ilogp(x^{i}) $$ namely $$ arg,max_W\sum_ilogf(x^{i},W) $$ this is the loss function.

  • Assume x consists of multiple subparts $$ x=(x_1,x_2,x_3,…,x_N) $$ break down probability using the chain rule $$ \begin{equation} \label{eq1} \begin{split} p(x) & =p(x_1,x_2,x_3,…,x_N) \ & = p(x_1)p(x_2|x_1)p(x_3|x_1,x_2)…\ &=\Pi_{t=1}^Tp(x_t|x_1,…,x_{t-1}) \end{split} \end{equation} $$


Generate image pixels one at a time, starting at the upper left corner

Compute a hidden state for each pixel that depends on hidden states and RGB values from the left and from above $$ h_{x,y}=f(h_{x-1,y},h_{x,y-1},W) $$ image-20221005145834282


still generate image pixels starting from corner

dependency on previous pixels now modeled using a CNN over context region


Pros and Cons

  • Pros
    • can explicitly compute likelihood $p(x)$
    • explicit likelihood of training data gives good evaluation metric
    • good samples
  • Cons
    • sequential generation => slow

Variational Autoencoder

variational autoencoder define an intractable density that we cannot explicitly compute or optimize

But we will be able to directly optimize a lower bound on the density


unsupervised method for learning feature vectors from raw data x, without any labels

features should extract useful information that we can use for downstream tasks


idea: use the features to reconstruct the input data with a decoder


features need to be lower dimensional that the data

after training, throw away decoder and use encoder for a downstream task

Variational Autoencoder

  • assume training data ${x^{(i)}}_{i=1}^N$ is generated from unobserved (latent) representation $z$

  • assume simple prior $p(z)$, e.g. Gaussian

  • represent $p(x|z)$ with a neural network (similar to decoder from autoencoder)

  • decoder must be probabilistic:

    Decoder input $z$, output mean $\mu_{x|z}$ and (diagonal) covariance $\sum_{x|z}$

    sample $x$ from Gaussian with mean $\mu_{x|z}$ and (diagonal) covariance $\sum_{x|z}$


so encoder and decoder be like

image-20221005201508840 $$ \begin{equation} \label{eq2} \begin{split} logp_{\theta}(x) & =log\frac{p_{\theta}(x|z)p(z)}{p_{\theta}(z|x)}\ & = log\frac{p_{\theta}(x|z)p(z)q_{\phi}(z|x)}{p_{\theta}(z|x)q_{\phi}(z|x)}\ &=logp_{\theta}(x|z)-log\frac{q_{\phi}(z|x)}{p(z)}+log\frac{q_{\phi}(z|x)}{p_{\theta}(z|x)}\ &=E_z[logp_{\theta}(x|z)]-E_z[log\frac{q_{\phi}(z|x)}{p(z)}]+E_z[log\frac{q_{\phi}(z|x)}{p_{\theta}(z|x)}]\ &=E_{z\sim q_{\phi}(z|x)}[logp_{\theta}(x|z)]-D_{KL}(q_{\phi}(z|x),p(z))+D_{KL}(q_{\phi}(z|x),p(z))\ &\ge E_{z\sim q_{\phi}(z|x)}[logp_{\theta}(x|z)]-D_{KL}(q_{\phi}(z|x),p(z)) \end{split} \end{equation} $$ jointly train encoder q and decoder p to maximize the variational lower bound on the data likelihood

  • run input data through encoder to get a distribution over latent codes (encoder output should match the prior $p(z)$)
  • sample $z$ from encoder output
  • run sampled $z$ through decoder to get a distribution over data samples
  • original input data should be likely under the distribution output


generate new data

  • sample $z$ from prior $p(z)$
  • run sampled $z$ through decoder to get distribution over data $x$
  • sample from distribution obtained above to generate data

Pros and Cons

  • Pros
    • principled approach to generative models
    • allows inference of $q(z|x)$, can be useful feature representation for other tasks
  • Cons
    • maximizes lower bound of likelihood: okay, but not as good evaluation as PixelRNN/PixelCNN
    • samples blurrier and lower quality compared to state-of-the-art (GANs)



  • Generative adversarial networks give up on modeling $p(x)$, but allow us to draw samples from $p(x)$

  • Assume we have data $x_i$ drawn from distribution $p_{data}(x)$. Want to sample from $p_{data}$

  • Introduce a latent variable $z$ with simple prior $p(z)$.

  • Sample $z\sim p(z)$ and pass to a Generator network $x=G(z)$

  • Then $x$ is a sample from the Generator distribution $p_G$. want $P_G=P_{data}$

  • Train Generator Network G to convert $z$ into fake data $x$ sampled from $p_G$

    by “fooling” the discriminator D

  • Train Discriminator Network D to classify data as real or fake(1/0)

jointly train generator G and discriminator D with a minmax game

image-20221005212133215 $$ \begin{equation} \begin{split} & min_G,max_D(E_{x\sim p_{data}}[logD(x)]+E_{z\sim p(z)}[log(1-D(G(z)))])\ &=min_G,max_DV(G,D) \end{split} \end{equation} $$ update $$ D=D+\alpha_D\frac{\partial V}{\partial D} \newline G=G-\alpha_G\frac{\partial V}{\partial G} $$ this minimax game achieves its global minimum when $p_G=p_{data}$

=>some mathematical derivation



PyTorch is an open source machine learning framework. At its core, PyTorch provides a few key features:

  • A multidimensional Tensor object, similar to numpy but with GPU accelleration.
  • An optimized autograd engine for automatically computing derivatives
  • A clean, modular API for building and deploying deep learning models

A torch tensor is a multidimensional grid of values, all of the same type, and is indexed by a tuple of nonnegative integers. The number of dimensions is the rank of the tensor; the shape of a tensor is a tuple of integers giving the size of the array along each dimension.

Accessing an element from a PyTorch tensor returns a PyTorch scalar; we can convert this to a Python scalar using the .item() method

tensor indexing

  • slice indexing

    Slicing a tensor returns a view into the same data, so modifying it will also modify the original tensor. To avoid this, you can use the clone() method to make a copy of a tensor.

  • integer indexing

    We can also use index arrays to index tensors; this lets us construct new tensors with a lot more flexibility than using slices.

    a[idx0, idx1]
    is equi
      a[idx0[0], idx1[0]],
      a[idx0[1], idx1[1]],
      a[idx0[N - 1], idx1[N - 1]]

    A one-hot vector for an integer n is a vector that has a one in its nth slot, and zeros in all other slots. One-hot vectors are commonly used to represent categorical variables in machine learning models.

  • boolean indexing

    Boolean tensor indexing lets you pick out arbitrary elements of a tensor according to a boolean mask. Frequently this type of indexing is used to select or modify the elements of a tensor that satisfy some condition.

    In PyTorch, we use tensors of dtype torch.bool to hold boolean masks.


PyTorch provides many ways to manipulate the shapes of tensors. The simplest example is .view(): This returns a new tensor with the same number of elements as its input, but with a different shape.

As its name implies, a tensor returned by .view() shares the same data as the input, so changes to one will affect the other and vice-versa

We can use .view() to flatten matrices into vectors, and to convert rank-1 vectors into rank-2 row or column matrices:

As a convenience, calls to .view() may include a single -1 argument; this puts enough elements on that dimension so that the output has the same number of elements as the input. This makes it easy to write some reshape operations in a way that is agnostic to the shape of the tensor

In general, you should only use .view() to add new dimensions to a tensor, or to collapse adjacent dimensions of a tensor.

For tensors with more than two dimensions, we can use the function torch.transpose) to swap arbitrary dimensions.



Basic mathematical functions operate elementwise on tensors, and are available as operator overloads, as functions in the torch module, and as instance methods on torch objects; all produce the same results:

* + - / *

Note that unlike MATLAB, * is elementwise multiplication, not matrix multiplication. PyTorch provides a number of linear algebra functions that compute different types of vector and matrix products. The most commonly used are:

  • torch.dot: Computes inner product of vectors
  • torch.mm: Computes matrix-matrix products
  • torch.mv: Computes matrix-vector products
  • torch.addmm / torch.addmv: Computes matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplications plus a bias
  • torch.bmm / torch.baddmm: Batched versions of torch.mm and torch.addmm, respectively
  • torch.matmul: General matrix product that performs different operations depending on the rank of the inputs. Confusingly, this is similar to np.dot in numpy.

You can find a full list of the available linear algebra operators in the documentation. All of these functions are also available as Tensor instance methods, e.g. Tensor.dot instead of torch.dot.

Here is an example of using torch.dot to compute inner products. Like the other mathematical operators we’ve seen, most linear algebra operators are available both as functions in the torch module and as instance methods of tensors:


In many cases, avoiding explicit Python loops in your code and instead using PyTorch operators to handle looping internally will cause your code to run a lot faster. This style of writing code, called vectorization, avoids overhead from the Python interpreter, and can also better parallelize the computation (e.g. across CPU cores, on on GPUs). Whenever possible you should strive to write vectorized code.


All PyTorch tensors also have a device attribute that specifies the device where the tensor is stored – either CPU, or CUDA (for NVIDA GPUs). A tensor on a CUDA device will automatically use that device to accelerate all of its operations.

Just as with datatypes, we can use the .to() method to change the device of a tensor. We can also use the convenience methods .cuda() and .cpu() methods to move tensors between CPU and GPU.


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Last updated on Jun 06, 2023 00:00 UTC
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