How to read faster
- Cut the Inner Monologue
try reading without sounding out the words in your head
- Read With Your Finger
our eyes kind of naturally jump around and it takes mental effort to keep our eyes focused on each line
- Stop reading content you don’t like
skip entire book or chapter when you don’t like the contents, table of contents he
- Schedule Reading
utilize scattered time
- Read more than one book simultaneously
How to remember What you read
- Highlighting and note-taking is basically worthless.
- We remember what’s useful
- find ways to implement ideas you read into your life
- mental effort: how does this(things I read) apply to my own life?
- there are ways to kind of trick your brain into thinking that you were using the stuff you read
- talk about the ideas to somebody else (humans tend to see social interactions as the most useful and important things)
- Instead of remembering the details of a book, remember overview of the book, and look it up when actually in need.