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【Postopia Dev Log】Day 1

为了提高自己的全栈开发能力,根据Reddit上某帖子(找不到原贴了)里关于提高代码能力的建议:Reinvent The Wheel, 决定自己开发一个类似Reddit的论坛系统,在 Claude3.5的建议下取名 Postopia。

考虑用umi max还是umi,感觉umi max虽然功能齐全,但是有点臃肿。最后考虑到配置各种依赖的复杂程度,还是选择umi max。

用claude 3.5生成了一些代码,但感觉质量不是很高,同时只能提供最基础的html,css,js三件套,利用不了更高层的框架能力,还是仅供参考


Claude 3.5:

Here are some name suggestions for a Reddit alternative:

  • Readit
  • Threaddit
  • Postopia
  • Forumly
  • Discussr

Postopia is indeed an interesting name choice. Let me break it down for you:


“Post” refers to the act of submitting content or messages, which is a core feature of Reddit-like platforms. “topia” comes from the Greek word “topos” meaning place, and is often used to describe an ideal or imaginary place.


Together, Postopia suggests a “world of posts” or an “ideal place for posting.”


It evokes a sense of a utopian community built around sharing and discussing content. The name implies a space where posting and engaging with posts is the primary focus.

Relevance to Reddit alternative:

Like Reddit, it emphasizes the user-generated content aspect. It suggests a potentially improved or idealized version of a posting platform.


The combination of familiar elements (“post” and “topia”) creates a unique and catchy name. It’s relatively easy to spell and pronounce.

Domain availability:

As of my last update, postopia.com was likely taken, but variations like getpostopia.com or postopia.io might be available.

Branding potential:

The name lends itself well to visual branding, perhaps incorporating elements that suggest an ideal digital community.



Umi max,node 18.20.3


Spring Boot 3.3,Java 17

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Jul 05, 2024 00:00 UTC
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